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- Student Intern – Algorithm Software Engineer M/F
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Edge SW Engineer
Settore/Area di riferimento
Automazione IndustrialeSede/i
Smartworking/Remoto, BariNumero di posizioni disponibili
1Tipologia contrattuale
Contratto a tempo indeterminatoDescrizione
We are looking for a Edge SW Engineer who can actively and effectively contribute to the evolution of SM.I.LE80 product, bringing in his experience and willing to learn about the unique blend of robotics, software engineering, automation and networking we have. We do value teamwork, openness, transparency, respect and courage, playing together in a fully Agile environment.
- Contribute to the software design, development & test activities, with particular focus on the EDGE side, that is for what concerns embedded software running on vehicles and other devices.
- Collaborate with engineers, scrum masters and product owners to ruthlessly deliver value to our customers
- Help building and maintaining the holistic view of the system
- Ability to document requirements and specifications
- Master Degree in software/computer science/automation engineering or equivalent
- 4-6 years of working experience in the software engineering space, in particular for what regards embedded systems.
- 5+ years of working experience with C++ on Windows and Linux environments.
- 3+ years of working experience with PLC systems, programming with Beckhoff Twincat3 / Siemens Step 7 or similar
- 3+ years of working experience with .Net Core/C# Deep Knowledge of software design patterns and OOP/OOD methodologies, data structures & algorithms, concurrent programming
- Working experience with Real Time programming and RTOS systems
- Knowledge of the various IOT technologies/ protocols, such as MQTT, OPC-UA, EtherCat, Profinet, etc
- Hands on with Git & Git-flow
- Fluent English
Preferred Qualifications
- Knowledge of other high level main programming languages such as Java, Go, Python, etc
- Knowledge of database technologies, SQL/NoSQL, ORM, etc
- Knowledge of Windows Server & Linux OS internals & CLI/shell etc
- Knowledge of devops related technologies, scripting, CI/CD infrastructures & pipelines
Not just a job, a Career growth: our steady YOY growth has encouraged a culture of talent development where we constantly create opportunities for you to learn, grow and feel empowered to realise your full potential, whichever career path you choose.
E80 World Academy: prepare to be wowed by our innovative training and learning paths. We deliver cutting-edge insights so you can refine your expertise to be successful in your job.
#BE80: you will become part of a dynamic and collaborative team where giving back is close to our hearts, an integral part of our success and core to the #BE80 Culture.
Iscriviti per poterti candidare!