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- Student Intern – Algorithm Software Engineer M/F
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Internship – Mechanical Industrialization
Settore/Area di riferimento
Internship – Mechanical Industrialization
Take your next career step at ABB with a global team that is energizing the transformation of society and industry to achieve a more productive, sustainable future. At ABB, we have the clear goal of driving diversity and inclusion across all dimensions: gender, LGBTQ+, abilities, ethnicity and generations. Together, we are embarking on a journey where each and every one of us, individually and collectively, welcomes and celebrates individual differences.
The person will be placed in the Electrification Products division of the ABB Group within the Product Mechanics Industrialization function of the Medium Voltage Business Unit of the production site in Dalmine (BG). Reporting to the head of the function, he/she will progressively take care of the following tasks: product cost analysis, cost monitoring and profitability, product rationalization support activities, ABRA assembling cycles.
This position reports to
Production Engineering Manager
Your responsibilities
- Cost monitoring and profitability (close cooperation with Controlling & Marketing).
- Product development support activities.
- Configuration tool.
- Analytical data for production cost management via SAP systems.
- Assembly time recording, budgeting & ABRA assembling cycles.
- Product analysis with a view to series production and cost optimization (in close cooperation with R&D).
Your background
- Bachelor’s or Master’s degree student in Mechanical, or Electromechanical, Management Engineering.
- Good knowledge of mechanical technologies, knowledge of and propensity for digital tools.
- Ability to analyze the cost of the component, define the assembly cycle and times, aptitude for innovation are preferential elements.
- Digital knowledge. Good knowledge of MS Office package.
- Fluent English (written and spoken at C1-2 level) and fluent Italian.
- Flexibility and self-learning, problem solving. Relationships and teamwork skills, able to communicate effectively. Innovative mindset.
Your Benefit
• Enjoy a stable employment in a company with a long history in innovation and technology
• Collaborate with experienced experts in an international environment
• Seize individual development and training opportunities, from job specific to soft skills
• Get private medical care (including offers for family members)
• Receive attractive remuneration based on your experience and skills, and other financial benefits
• Choose from various benefits in kind, ranging from healthy lifestyle offerings, to knowledge sharing, to teambuilding activities
• Smartworking
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